Here is where you’ll find out more about me and find more of my books as they become available.
In the future, I might share how I view the BDSM lifestyle. For now, enjoy some erotic delights.
‘I stood there, mesmerised by the girl knelt before me.
Out of nowhere, she had just kissed me from head to toe. It was the most sensual experience I think I have ever felt. My entire body still felt alive from her continuous touch. I am purely dominant by nature, but out of pure curiosity, I let her venture over my body as she kissed and bit her way over almost every inch of my body.
Except where I needed her the most.
Just before her bowed head sat the very organ that needed her attention.’
Excerpt from 'Sir's Girl Want's to Play'
You may have noticed my theme of roses all across my sites and books. I also use beaches and crazy edits of myself. In the future, I will use other items for my other books. You're probably wondering why? Am I right? Why not go the traditional route and use half naked models like most of the other erotic romance authors do?
My response: the classic models are, to me, a stereotypical 'sexy'. A mold that society would like 'us' all to fit into. We're not all shaped like that, but we are ALL sexy. They're gorgeous, sure... and if you like that kind of thing, then imagine it. I use the rose's and the beaches to steer away from the stereotype of what we call sexy. To bring your focus back to natural beauty.
I would like you to use your imagination when reading my words. Imagine your lover or your romantic interest... don't picture the models on the cover. Imagine yourself as you are. Beautiful. Stunning. Sexy! Imagine your lover, as they are. Gorgeous. Handsome. Sexy!
Sure, I will describe the characters as I see them, but look beyond that. My characters usually won't be stereotypical lovers. (In some books I have, because it suits the character) but I will try to keep them honest. Beautiful and perfect, 'flaw's and all', just the way they are.
Every subscriber will receive a free copy of my second anthology of erotica;
'Tales for Him - Erotic Teasers II'.
I’ll send out some updates periodically to keep you tantalised, along with future releases of my books, but I’ll never overburden you.
Your privacy is of utmost importance, so I will never share your email.
Stay Kinky
Miss Mae
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